Strategic Plans

The strategic plan of the university is a guidance to achieve collective objectives in order to be a world class university. A strategic plan is needed to provide a clear description in each stage of development and progress. UI is a big and complex structure, thus it needs coherence and consistency to deploy strategic resources and actions internally. All of these aspects are proposed to create UI as an international, multicultural, and open-minded campus. UI must be a place to develop, create and disseminate beneficial knowledge for humanity.

Strategic Plan of Modern Architecture and Landscape Campus
More specifically, UI's strategic plan consists of strategic plans and actions that must be fulfilled in each stage of development. It also describes and identifies comprehensible goals and performance indicators to measure success of the implementation process. In choosing strategies and performance indicators, UI carefully considers the baseline, internal and external conditions, as well as the environmental setting in regional and international perspective.

Postingan Populer

Beberapa keunggulan dari program supercamp persiapan masuk kedokteran ,teknik , ... dari BPUI yang telah berpengalaman selama bertahun tahun sejak 2011

Lokasi supercamp adalah yang berada di jalan utama kota depok dengan fasilitas lengkap ,seperti AC ,TV kabel ,Kulkas ,T tidur ,Meja Kursi ,Ruang Kelas ,Lemari ,CCTV ,Keamanan 24 jam ,Sarana olah raga ,minimarket ,dll

Tim pengajar yang profesional dan berpengalaman dari PTN ternama UI ,ITB ,UGM ,..dll

Buku Panduan yang lengkap dengan prediksi soal ujian yang memiliki keunggulan

Agenda belajar yang terarah yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan setiap peserta supercamp

Grafik kelulusan siswa program supercamp persiapan masuk PTN setiap tahunnya selalu meningkat

Camp UI : Area Apartemen Margonda Depok
Jln Margonda Raya Beji Depok Jawa Barat
Telp : 087777409300